:runner: Exercise Tracker

:runner: Exercise Tracker

- 5 mins


In the term 1 of my third year, I joined UBC LaunchPad Software design group. We were developing a webapp for facilitating course registration in UBC. I never had any experience with webapps at that time so I was primary working on the backend with a little bit frontend. I was never involved in the development of the webapp architecture.

During the winter break between term 1 and term 2, I thought it would be nice if I can learn more about MERN stack webapps.

Language and Tools


I used Express to create some routers for the POST and GET requests for supporting the following functionalities: add user, add exercise event, delete exercise event, and edit exercise event. The exercise events and users will be stored in the MongoDB Atlas database via mongoose. The website is running on Node and the UI is built using React, designed using Bootstrap and HTML.

The user and exercise events are formatted in JSON before storing it in MongoDB. The data is sent in the format as shown:

	"username": "Daniel",
	"description": "Running",
	"duration": "30",
	"date": "2020-12-21T02:38:31.105Z"

The same data is stored in MongoDB in the following format:



Simple UI for the MERN exercise tracker


It was a fun experience gaining more knowledge of MERN stack and Javascript in general! To me, the whole router thing was really abstract at first but I was able to understand the underlying structure of it, which is good :slightly_smiling_face:. It is also a very good skill to have, not like I’m gonna be a WebApp developer but maybe there will be some projects in the future that requires a webapp to visualize it.

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