πŸ’― GPA Calculator

πŸ’― GPA Calculator

- 4 mins


=> ubc do not calculate gpa for studentsssss

To be completely honest, this is probably the most useful personal project I’ve ever done. Useful in the sense that I will actually use it in my life. Most personal projects are for extracurricular learning (?), or even just for resume :joy:.

Anyways, this project allows UBC students to get their GPA in less than 30 seconds! If you are a first year user that just got into UBC with less than 50 credits in your transcript, it might be convenient to calculate it manually on a GPA calculator website. However, if you are a fourth year old head with like 120 credits and some 1 credit lab courses, it might not be so easy anymore.

Language and Tools


This project uses selenium webdriver package to click/navigate through webpages and BeautifulSoup to parse webpage HTML tags.


The program will ask for your username and password, and use send_keys() function to fill it out in each text input area.

Grabbing the Grades

Basically, the grades are all stored in a table on the UBC SSC page and the program finds the grades and their corresponding credit number using the following code.

smallSoup = soup.find('div', {'id' : 'tabs-all'})
subjectData = smallSoup.find_all('td', {'class' : 'listRow'})
subjectDataGrade = smallSoup.find_all('td', {'class': 'listRow grade'})

Then, it’s just a for loop to accumulate all the grades and account for some edge cases! Quick and simple program that makes our lives easier :grinning:.


Here is a quick demo.

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